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Kudos to
Shi Hui

Sunday 18 February 2007
4-1 gathering

There'd be a 4-1 gathering @ Levin's house for 3 days (19 to 21 feb).
Earliest you can reach is at 3pm on the 19th.

Basically we ton and play poker, mahjong, PS2, use the gym, swimming pool, whatever.

The airconditioned living room is available for sleeping and best of all, no parents! :D
Please give me/Levin a reply no matter you're going or not. Thanks!

I hope everyone will turn up!

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1:02 am

Tuesday 6 February 2007

Gathering for 4-1'06 tonight at S11! It's a supper gathering/farewell party for Rene. Do turn up!

Ah yes, I've found a job. I'm starting this Wed/Thurs.

And we'll be getting our 'O' results this Friday, please reach school by 2.30pm.
I don't know about attire; I won't be wearing school uniform of course, but I think tinted hair is not allowed.

Issues, tissues.
I can never get rid of them.
But I don't want to be neurotic.

Here's a nice photo. Enjoy!

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2:54 am